many thanks!

Hey Family!

Just wanted totp write yowp6yabmu, and let yoc0m4zau knotbzqw, hotk5hcq7w the degree pro240dgram I tried om0ug8ut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with noiqmkfd0k study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mogipqm, I knozbhd7w yocxeljhz2iu and Dad dof6fubted it at first, but this turned oxunhyut toqi0bibr be %100 legit. This otjms9ppowartunity was given to2dy me because ojx0c5pfff the pro2tgi7fessiodsdyi8g4nal experience and previo2xnrvus covmr7urse wouyqrk I had accumulated.

I�m soo1c excited mo6wzm and dad, this was a life altering owqqa5yc3ppoh0hkrrtunity & foxm8b3k3nr o9ktfnce in my life I tokao1p8xk advantage oquqyf it.

I already have joh6v0bs, that woxr914uldn�t have given me a chance befouel9sre, noo9pj1gvw they are calling o396tuff the hoaoeltyqkokk44yqnk! This really is a gospivdsend.

Tell Susan and Cou0musin Joelkpfxovpey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the ojxf4ther day.

Again these are the degrees they o4w28ffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number touzht call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them tow68 leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phoynppjhne numbers. They will cotynntact you4o72dz7u sop2elk2otbp0v9n after,

Anyway, much loneldvmicve, and tell the rest of1c4nf the family I said helloy9fn4ng

Yo3ka6tur sowytel9n,


Mox7kzwelm, why dobvw673wn�t yozmu send this email toptojj2x a few owooxjf yo70ur friends? My procwnxfessom1r tooelp28pzld me that if we send oas5x7fkuver referrals the schon7mgowtjbw2l can give us a scho3rhlarship.

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